With the influx of foreign franchise brands to the Philippines, the Association of Filipino Franchisers, Inc. (AFFI) has seen it timely to introduce the country’s first franchisees’ conference that will discuss best practices in the industry and serve as a networking platform for investors.
The 1st Franchisee Conference is scheduled on October 1 and complements AFFI’s annual Franchise Show, which will happen at the World Trade Center between October 3 and 5. Topics of the conference include franchising basics and case studies, discussed by industry experts who are franchisees themselves, according to AFFI.
The association noted that the franchising industry is expecting double-digit growth. The industry grew by 20 percent last year and is anticipated to reach a 25-percent growth rate this year. The group’s member franchises posted PHP63.4 billion worth of sales in 2013, says Erlinda Bartolome, director for international trade affairs of AFFI.
While the number of foreign brands in the country has significantly increased over the past years, homegrown brands are looking at the broader ASEAN market. It is expected that the ASEAN integration will increase competition within the region, especially as it opens up the region’s capital and labor markets, but AFFI’s officers believe Filipino franchisors will do well in doing business in ASEAN as pointed out by homegrown brands Figaro, Fiorgelato, Goto King, Mang Inasal, and Potato Corner.
The 2014 Filipino Franchise Show also features an ASEAN pavilion in preparation for the integration.